
Lotsa kinky stitchers out there

Sigh... I have NOT been able to stitch. Almost a month now. Too many things going on. Work, holidays, travelling. I've yet to pick up a  needle and stitch.

BUT! I have spent my spare time organizing my stitchy goodies. I've been organizing my pdfs in my lappie and backed them up in my hard drives. Still winding floss unto my bobbins. My Panda and I call it BOBBINIZING. So for the past few nights, I bobbinize while he tinkers with his own project at his place. Of course, we're on Skype while we do our individual stuff so it's always nice to be able to look up at the screen, see him staring intently slightly off camera and be able to make a comment or two and get a reply back.

10 days more and I see my Panda again in person.

Anyway, I just HAD to make another post... y'see, I have this insane humor that maybe I'm the only one who can relate to it (as there are no other stitchers within reach). But I thought some you would appreciate my ongoing hunt for stitchy-related humor.

New thing that made me giggle. Someone posted on a facebook group that her goodies arrived. And she posted "THEY CAME!"

Ok, ok... that shouldn't be funny. But I found it to be.

If you're the one who posted that...please. No offense meant. :) I just have this ongoing mirth over how stitcher can be so.... green.

Basic rundown of my favorite stitching funnies:
1 over 1
2 over 1 (I mean, really?)
frogging (hmm... )

This is me. Sitting on my bed and BOBBINIZING. This is how I sit when I stitch or use my lappie. I've not used a chair yet since I started stitching.
Please take note of my scissors... they're PANDA themed! Black and White with a paw-print design. Couldn't resist getting them from maped.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Hope you get some stitching time soon